So I’ve been rather quiet on the puppet fabrication front lately, mostly because I haven’t been doing a lot of it. “sad face” What I HAVE been doing isn’t really puppet fabrication…but it’s still pretty cool.
See I now work for this place,
and guess what I do? Lego Model Builder!
So stuff like this,
and this
and even this,
could possible get built at the place that I currently work at!
Unfortunately since the new stuff (Legoland Dubai and more) is currently in the works I can’t talk about or show any pictures of what i’m currently doing. What I CAN show you is some cool stuff from Legoland California was built by real live Lego model builders! Some of them I work with right now!

As soon as things officially open to the public I’ll be posting a bunch of pics of all my projects but until then everyone can hang out on the double decker couch where everyone can watch TV together and be buddies!

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