Mary Shelley’s Frankenhole

I interned at a company called Shadow Machine while they were making the first season of a show called Mary Shelley’s Frankenhole.

A stop motion tv series by the creators of Moral Oral. The show airs on Adult Swim (Which is Cartoon Network after 9pm)

Many of the costumes were printed on fabric transfer paper so as an Intern I spent a lot of time either adhering pictures of clothing to fabric and puppet faces to card stock with one of those industrial t-shirt irons or cutting out all the pieces once they had cooled off.

I did some other minor things like painting skin tones on some of the puppets and fixing already cast silicon hands to puppet arms. Here are some pics of the puppets during production.

Examples of finished clothing and attached hands.


Just another day having a conversation with Hitler…


Examples of skin tone painting.


First screen credit.


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